
Echo review

Created by Rajneesh26477gmailcom, 4 mo 7 d ago.

What are your views on Echo?


Echo review
9 months member
I had a watch on the show, and like most of the viewers, I am also not happy because of the less fighting scenes, like why is marvel in pivoting from the fight scenes, but the pacing was a little better than most shows which is great..
ForJustice1324 4 mo 5 d
Echo review
59 months member
I think Echo is a pretty cool series, I really loved the scenes with Maya and Kingpin and its got a kickass intro. Plus there's connections to the Netflix shows confirming there existance in the MCU.
You guys in this forum seem to be just following hate trends on social media instead of just watching shows and then forming your own opinions. It's fine if you guys want don't like the show but posting stuff hate stuff online on Instagram or YouTube for attention it's just pathetic.
Last edited: 4 mo 5 d ago.
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ForJustice1324 4 mo 1 d
Echo review
59 months member
Oh that's kinda pathetic who ever downvoted me