
X-Men '97 Review

Created by Rajneesh26477gmailcom, 1 mo 27 d ago.

I think most of the people would be watching the animated series because of how Marvel was advertising it, so tell about how you feel about the storyline, animations, characters, etc


cw6334 1 d
X-Men '97 Review
72 months member
Marvel has really taken a step up in the animation department. It picks right back up where the original left off and really flushes out the characters and gives us some great moments and sad ones as well. The animation is incredible, and I could not be more happy with the finished product we get this time around even 30 years later.
X-Men '97 Review
9 months member
This series was the greatest adaptation of X-Men for me. There were many peak fighting scenes, great background scores and gave every character equal opportunity to shine.
And how they set up season 2 is also really great 'cause sometimes a credit scene is not enough. 9.5/10 for me could have been a 10 if they would have shown the most powerful hero too🗿(JK)
X-Men '97 Review
9 months member
Best scenes till now?