

All Terrain Scout Transport, Chicken Walker, Scout Walker

Powers of AT-ST

Armor - The armor of the AT-ST was designed to protect it from light weapons (although not armor piercing munitions) and handheld blasters.

Speed - The AT-ST could travel over flat terrain at speeds up to 90 kph due to its seemingly ungainly gait. Its feet were also designed to crush or cut through obstacles like fallen trees and wire.


  • MS-4 Twin Blaster Cannons - Manufactured by Taim & Bak, the weapons had a range of two kilometers and were powerful enough to blast apart trees and destroy other light walkers.

  • 88i Twin Light Blaster Cannon - Manufactured by Yaove Gunsmiths, this weapon was designed for shredding opposing infantry forces. Mounted on the port side of the walker's command module, it was capable of rotating in a 360 degree arc.

  • DW-3 Concussion Grenade Launcher - Manufactured by Dymex, this grenade launcher fired heavy-duty Dymex TriplePounder grenades, which had a 4 meter blast radius and were proficient at taking out light structures/vehicles and infantry formations.

  • Modularity - Although the above was the standard armament, AT-STs could be customized for specific missions by the crew. The Mark 3 variant utilized heavy blaster cannons for vehicle hunting missions and a mortar launcher was a common replacement for the grenade launcher.