
DC vs Marvel Tournament (Read Description)

Created by BlotskyA, 3 y 4 mo 3 d ago.

Rule 1. You can use Any Character you want,
Rule 2. Do NOT Make a Battle, just post a Battle
Rule 3. Respect Other's Opinions
Rule 4. use about 6, 8 or more Characters
Rule 5. Always make sure if you're using a Character like Hercules, make sure to write the Universe, he is in
Rule 6. USE DC & MARVEL Characters


DominicCaeser 3 y 27 d
DC vs Marvel Tournament (Read Description)
38 months member
The flash vs quicksliver
John Constantine (prep time) vs loki
Batman vs captain america
Lucifer morningstar vs beyonder
Elaine belloc vs The One Above All
show 1 reply
Caleb_Rivas 2 y 10 mo 24 d
DC vs Marvel Tournament (Read Description)
37 months member
One above all so!os
BlotskyA 3 y 3 mo 1 d
DC vs Marvel Tournament (Read Description)
58 months member
Round 2
Batman vs Barry Allen
Red Hulk vs Green Arrow & Black Canary
Atom (Ray Palmer) vs Bumblebee
Hercules (Marvel) vs Spider-Man
Daredevil vs Black Widow
Last edited: 3 y 3 mo 1 d ago.