
Is Batman the most famous and most well-known?

Created by AmalgamComics00, 1 y 6 mo 2 d ago.

Do you think Batman is the most famous, well-known, and overrated multi-media character in the history of fiction?


AmalgamComics00 1 y 5 mo 5 d
Is Batman the most famous and most well-known?
20 months member
Look, Superman may be the imprint for superheroes, but Batman is without a doubt THE most famous, successful and overrated comic book character ever.
Last edited: 1 y 5 mo 5 d ago.
Taurus 1 y 5 mo 29 d
Is Batman the most famous and most well-known?
48 months member
1) Superman
2) Batman
3) Spider Man
4) Hulk
5) Wolverine
AmalgamComics00 1 y 5 mo 30 d
Is Batman the most famous and most well-known?
20 months member
Are you all sure? Because I believe Batman has been the most successful character in media ever
Last edited: 1 y 4 mo 12 d ago.