
Rank universes by tier

Created by AmalgamComics00, 3 mo 15 d ago.

Rank these universes by tier, from least powerful to most powerful: Tekken, Mortal Kombat, Castlevania, God of War, and The Elder Scrolls


Tigerking2020 3 mo 15 d
Rank universes by tier
50 months member
1. Elder Scrolls
2. Castlevania
3. God of War
4. Mortal Kombat
5. Tekken
show 2 replies
AmalgamComics00 3 mo 15 d
Rank universes by tier
20 months member
The Elder Scrolls is most powerful and Tekken, least powerful?
Galactus 3 mo 14 d
Rank universes by tier
8+ year member
I think @Tigerking2020 expected the question the other way around, like most of the lists work, from high to low.
@AmalgamComics00 Your reaction doesn't make it any clearer with punctuation like that.

So confusing.
Make this a more general topic. Let people give 5 or 10 universes, and let others comment their list from high to low. 🤷‍♂️ Just an idea.