
Wrong Answers Only

Created by Alien_X, 1 y 7 mo 4 d ago.

Come up with a matchup and people try to make a flawed but still kinda believable argument possible. Basically, support the side you'd normally think would lose and come up with an argument for it. Please don't take it seriously, this is meant to be fun.


voidstone 7 mo 24 d
Wrong Answers Only
41 months member
Saitama vs Goku
Alien_X 1 y 6 mo 5 d
Wrong Answers Only
49 months member
Marvel Ares vs DC Ares
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Alien_X 1 y 6 mo 5 d
Wrong Answers Only
49 months member
Iron Man believes that to defeat Ares, he'd need Sentry, Wonder Man, Vision, and She-Hulk with him. These people all scale to one another.
Wonder Man defeated the Hulk.
Vision knocked around Wonder Man and matched Silver Surfer.
She-Hulk killed the Vision and withstood conditions that incapacitated Thor.
Iron Man knocked out She-Hulk and has also fought the likes of Thor.
Sentry has killed a Celestial.
And Ares can take them all. He's fought and overpowered the likes of the Sentry, Thor, Wonder Man, Man-Thing, Blue Marvel, and Hercules. He's broken out of the Collector's prison. He's damaged Mikaboshi himself and dodged Moonstone's light beam. Norman Osborn is intimidated by him.
Tell me, how can DC's Ares, who has been defeated by Wonder Woman, who isn't even bulletproof, stand up to someone like that?