
Scarlet Demon


SCP Foundation


Demiurgos09 1 y 1 mo 25 d
Scarlet Demon
29 months member
Scarlet Demon description:
The secret guard in the library told me secretly, don't pass it on to others. He said that, in fact, the Scarlet King is the incarnation of the projection of the extraterritorial celestial demon Scarlet Demon. The Crimson Demon has no mind, but he can use the projection into the phantom bubble to amplify the evil of one of the characters, so as to gradually acquire the character and ability of the corresponding character, and finally cause chaos, disorder, anti - rationality, anti - authority, etc. When the damage to the normal state is maximized, the entity is condensed. It's not red, but it's because outsiders think that red has the attributes of passion, enthusiasm, turbulence, blood , and anxiet, but it appears red in the eyes of the people. People try to forcibly define something into specific things. One - sided view.

The Scarlet Demon is actually one of the basic forces of narrative , which promotes the development of the narrative line in a negative direction. Because the real upper - level narrator likes the twists and turns of the story, the Scarlet Demon becomes the embodiment of all negative emotions, factors that intensify contradictions, and inexplicable impulses . The image of the source of/being silly/malicious, the big boss behind the scenes, resides before the plots of contradictions, confrontations and turning points. At the beginning of the phantom bubble, it has intruded into it, dormant in chaos, once the order is established, it will wake up and roar in the tear of rationality and primitive ignorance.
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Azathoth1Fan 5 mo 24 d
Scarlet Demon
5 months member
I think the Stats are a little Wrong He's Absolutely Omnipotent. But Mindless.
Demiurgos09 1 y 1 mo 25 d
Scarlet Demon
29 months member
I like this character, it was even said that the Scarlet King was just an incarnation of the projection of the extraterritorial celestial demon, Scarlet Demon. Could say that the Scarlet Demon was the true form of the Scarlet King.
Last edited: 1 y 1 mo 25 d ago.