
Doctor Fate is the most powerful SUPERhero. Prove me wrong.

Created by soratoumiga, 5 y 5 mo 9 h 4 m ago.

Superhero as in regular, all time superhero, not someone like Spectre, Phantom Stranger, Michael Demiurgos and similar.


Michealdem17 3 y 11 mo 18 d
Doctor Fate is the most powerful SUPERhero. Prove me wrong.
50 months member
There's not much to prove cause doctor fate is one of strongest superhero but strange visitor superman looks stronger than fate
Last edited: 3 y 11 mo 18 d ago.
InvertedQuantumSpectrum 3 y 11 mo 25 d
Doctor Fate is the most powerful SUPERhero. Prove me wrong.
52 months member
star brand and sentry
Mr_Incognito 4 y 3 d
Doctor Fate is the most powerful SUPERhero. Prove me wrong.
56 months member
Fate is such an underrated hero. One of the coolest looking too. He's in my top 5. Hope he'll be sick in the black adam movie.