Hart Tenjo

Hart Tenjo


Hart Tenjo's History

Hart was born very frail and sickly, and due to this, his father, Dr. Faker went to great lengths to save him. He eventually made a deal with Vector of the Barian World, who sustained Hart's life in exchange for Faker to collect the Numbers and destroy Astral World.[8]

Kite and Hart.png

Hart and Kite in the past.

In the past, Hart lived with his brother Kite and Orbital 7 in a small, wooden villa where they would play all day whilst Hart drank his favorite drink, hot chocolate.[3][9] This happy life was however, disrupted due to the presence of Hart's "Dark Energy". Mr. Heartland appeared before Hart and his brother, and told Kite that Hart's powers are useful for the world and that Hart must go with him per Dr. Faker's orders.[10]

Some time later, Hart was visited by his brother at Heartland Tower, but he couldn't remember Kite. Angered, Kite demanded from Mr. Heartland to know what he had done to his brother. The latter answered him Hart is able to communicate with the spirits of the Astral World. In order to save their own world, they must destroy the Astral World, and Hart had been chosen for that purpose. As Hart's soul had already left, the only way to heal Hart is the gathering of one hundred "Number" cards. Upon hearing that, Kite agreed to become a Numbers Hunter.[11]

During one night at Heartland, Kite tried to escape with Hart. As they were hiding from Heartland Police, Kite gave him his favorite candy, a piece of caramel to cheer him up. However, they were found soon. Kite was subdued, while Hart was taken away from him. Seeing his brother being restrained, Hart used his powers to knock the police who were guiding him off of the tower. But they were both captured once more.[2]