Luke Skywalker

Luke Skywalker

Luke Skywalker

Star Wars Universe

Luke Skywalker's History

A New Hope

When a group of Jawa traders visited Luke's moisture farm, Luke and his uncle Owen purchased two droids: R2-D2 and C-3PO. While cleaning and repairing the droids, Luke discovered a part of a holorecording in R2-D2 asking for aid from Obi-Wan Kenobi. In an attempt to view the rest of the message, Luke removed the restraining bolt from R2-D2 but to no avail, the holorecording cut off. While Luke was eating tea with his aunt and uncle, Artoo took advantage of the lack of restraining bolt and escaped the moisture farm, seeking Obi-Wan Kenobi.

The next morning, Luke and Threepio took Luke's speeder and went looking for the Artoo. They found the astromech in a canyon in the Jundland Wastes but were ambushed by Tusken Raiders shortly afterwards. The Tuskens knocked out Luke and tore off Threepio's arm while Artoo hid in an alcove of the canyon wall. They were rescued by Ben Kenobi who took Luke to his home for Luke to recover. Ben informed Luke of his real name - Obi-Wan - and that he was the man Artoo claimed to be searching for. Obi-Wan informed Luke that his father was a Jedi Knight in the Clone Wars and encouraged Luke to train in the ways of the Force under Obi-Wan. Luke turned down the offer, stating that he was needed by his uncle for their farm but did offer Obi-Wan a lift to Anchorage where Obi-Wan could get a transport to Mos Eisley.

On the way, they encountered the Jawa transport that had sold the droids to Luke and Owen. The transport had been destroyed by a group of Imperial stormtroopers. Luke realized that if the stormtroopers were seeking the droids and that if they had found the Jawas, they would soon find the moisture farm as well. Luke immediately travelled back to the farm only to find the farm sacked and his uncle and aunt dead. Grieving, he returned to Obi-Wan and agreed to travel with him to Alderaan and learn to become a Jedi.

Together, they travelled to the space port of Mos Eisley where they met Han Solo and Chewbacca. They hired the pair of them to take them to Alderaan in their ship: the Millennium Falcon. During the journey, Obi-Wan began Luke's training, giving him his father's lightsaber and a training droid. Upon arrival in the Alderaan system, they found the planet destroyed and were captured in the tractor beam of the Death Star. a space station the size of a small moon. They hid in some smuggling compartments on the ship then made their way to the control room where Obi-Wan found out the location of the tractor beam controls so he could disable it.

When Artoo discovered the location of Princess Leia, Luke, Han and Chewbacca went to the detention block where she was being held. They freed Leia only to find themselves pinned down by a squad of stormtroopers. Together they fled down a junk disposal tunnel and found themselves in a magnetically sealed room. After a close shave involving their near deaths when the walls of the room began to close in on them, the group made their way back to the Falcon only to find Obi-Wan in the midst of a lightsaber duel with Darth Vader. Obi-Wan fell to Vader's blade but instead of dying in the normal sense, Obi-Wan just disappeared.

The rest of the group escaped in the Falcon and travelled to the Rebel base on Yavin IV but were followed by the Death Star due to a tracker placed on board the Millennium Falcon during Leia's rescue. After a briefing on how the Rebels were to destroy the Death Star, Luke flew an X-Wing with proton torpedoes to be used against the giant space station alongside many other rebels. One of the rebels named Biggs Darklighter was an old friend of Luke's from Tatooine.

Many rebels died during the assault on the Death Star, including Darklighter. Eventually though, through using the Force for guidance, Luke managed to shoot one of his proton torpedoes down an exhaust pipe and into the Death Star, destroying it shortly before it would have fired on Yavin IV.

Upon their return to the Rebel base, Luke and Han were celebrated as heroes and were each awarded with medals from Princess Leia.

Choices of One

Following an infiltration mission to discover potential bases for the Rebel Alliance, Luke was tasked with an assignment to travel to the planet Poln Major. He was ordered to follow the Millenium Falcon in a Z-95 Headhunter without alerting Han or Chewbacca of his presence. Han had been given the job of escorting the former governor of the Logarra District on Alderaan - a man named Vestin Axlon - to Poln Major where he would be negotiating a new base for the Rebellion in exchange for protection from the alien warlord Nuso Esva who had built up an army in uncharted space. Once he arrived on Poln Major, Luke was to act as a hidden aspect should things turn sour.

Han, however, was not as easy to trick as Axlon had hoped. Upon landing, Han immediately walked to where Luke's Z-95 Headhunter was docked to confront him. Realizing that there was little point in maintaining Luke's presence as a secret, Axlon ordered Luke to accompany him for the first meeting with the Imperial governor of the Candoras system: Bidor Ferrouz.

The next day, Axlon received word that an Imperial agent (Mara Jade) would be targeting Ferrouz for his treasonous meetings with the Rebel Alliance. Luke was ordered to wait outside the palace, watching for the agent and engage her in combat if necessary. But by the time Luke was in position, he was too late. Mara Jade had already entered the palace under the guise of a criminal.

While Luke was watching outside, Mara Jade had infiltrated the palace. As she was about to take Ferrouz's life, he revealed to her that he had only proposed to join the Alliance because Nuso Esva had captured his wife and daughter. Mara Jade was leaving to follow up some leads when the palace was attacked by a group of Nuso Esva's men.

Outside, Luke found himself in the middle of a riot created by more of Nuso Esva's men. Thinking that Ferrouz had been killed by Mara Jade - with her lightsaber - the ringleader grabbed Luke's lightsaber and flailed it around in the air, shouting that Luke had killed Ferrouz. Luke was able to retrieve his weapon and escape the riot but was unable to contact his fellow rebels. His comlink had become damaged beyond use when he threw it at the man holding his lightsaber in a successful attempt to make him release it. However, Luke was found by Brightwater of the Hand of Judgement. Brightwater gave Luke his belt which contained emergency rations and other useful items before heading back to the rest of his team. The Hand of Judgement had been recruited by Mara Jade for one final mission before they were forced to retire due to lack of supplies.

Mara Jade, Ferrouz and Axlon (who was about to have his second meeting with Ferrouz when the palace was attacked) had met up with the Hand of Judgement in the cellar of a tapcaf. Mara Jade left to try and find Ferrouz's family while everyone else held their positions. With Mara Jade gone, Axlon took the opportunity to betray Ferrouz and the Hand of Judgement, he severely injured Grave and Quiller then held the rest at blaster point. He revealed his plans to forge an alliance between the Rebels and Nuso Esva's army by helping to kill Ferrouz and to blame it on Luke by killing Ferrouz with Luke's lightsaber upon his arrival. However, while Axlon was distracted, Quiller was able to use Brightwater's knife to stab and kill Axlon. LaRone contacted Luke to inform him of Axlon's betrayal and what his intentions had been. Instead of coming to the tapcaf, LaRone asked Luke to spy on the group of Nuso Esva's men who had been responsible for the riot.

When the group was about to move out, Luke killed the sentry guarding their speeder, removed the blasters from the speeder's storage compartment and hid himself in their under a blanket behind the dead sentry's body. Upon the discovery of the body in their storage compartment, Nuso Esva's men assumed that the Hand of Judgement had killed the sentry and made off with their blasters. With Luke stowing away in the storage compartment, they travelled to the cave in which Ferrouz's family was hidden. Here, Luke hid in a dark corner, biding his time until the opportunity to make his way into the room which contained Ferrouz's family revealed itself.

When Mara Jade deliberately set off a booby trap elsewhere in the cave causing a large explosion, Luke took his opportunity and ran for the door to the room containing Ferrouz's family. Unfortunately, however, he was pinned down by Nuso Esva's forces and would have been slain had it not been for the aid of Mara Jade. Mara Jade rescued Ferrouz's family while Luke left. The Rebel forces had realized their chances of establishing a new base on Poln Minor were slim. They withdrew from the planet and headed for Hoth, accidentally leaving clues as to there new whereabouts for Vader to follow.

The Empire Strikes Back

Three years after the Death Star had been destroyed, the Empire destroyed the Rebel Base on Hoth VI. Though the spiritual guidance of Obi-Wan, Luke traveled to Dagobah, in whose swamps Yoda now made his home, to become Yoda's apprentice and continue his training in use of the Force. Luke was however troubled by visions of Han and Leia tortured by the Empire and decided cease his training to rescue his comrades. By the time Luke reached Cloud City he was too late to save Han or Leia--but he and Vader engaged in a lightsaber battle. Vader's power was much more vast than Luke's, but he did not kill Luke because he wanted Luke to turn to the Dark Side and become an ally of the Empire. They fought, and Vader eventually slashed off Luke's hand at the wrist and his father's lightsaber along with it. Vader tells Luke his true parentage but Luke chose death over life as Vader's son, and he let go and fell. He barely survived and continued the fight against Vader and the Empire.

Return of the Jedi

More than six months passed. Over that time, Luke formed a plan to free Han. The group went to Luke's former home planet of Tatooine, location of Jabba the Hutt's palace, where Han was frozen. (Lando Calrissian participated in order to win a wager against Leia Organa, who had bet that he could not redeem himself by assisting them.) They freed him and Leia succeeded in killing Jabba himself.

The Alliance had learned that the Empire was building a second, more powerful Death Star, knowledge that the Emperor had secretly allowed it to obtain. Luke and his friends arrive at Endor and align with the Ewok, until Luke decides to confront his father and the Emperor. When Leia tries to persuade him not to do it, Luke reveals their relation as siblings and that it was his destiny to confront the Dark Lords of the Sith.

When Luke traveled to the base where Vader and the Emperor were, he revealed his acceptance of the fact that Vader had once been Anakin Skywalker, his father, and tried to draw Vader back where Kenobi had failed. But aboard the unfinished second Death Star, he would eventually duel his father in another lightsaber duel. Once Vader learns about Leia and threatens her life, Luke succumbs to the Dark Side. After Luke defeats Vader, the Emperor tempts to take his father's place but Luke refuses. Enraged, the Emperor fired Force lightning at him, and was about to kill him as Vader watched. Vader becomes Anakin Skywalker once again and throw's the Emperor down the reactor shaft. Luke tries to save his father, but he request that his helmet be removed so he can see his son one last time. Luke escapes the Death Star just time as it explodes are lands on Endor, where he cremates his father's armor on a funeral pyre. Luke later joins the Rebels as they celebrate the end of the Empire and sees the spirits of Obi-Wan, Yoda, and Anakin watch over them.

Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor

Shortly after his promotion to general, Luke was involved in the attack on an Imperial base on the planet Mindor. The planet was surrounded by meteors on almost unpredictable courses. As a result, the New Republic hit as hard and fast as they could so the Imperial forces seemed to be defeated very easily. However, it was all a ploy. Lord Shadowspawn pretended to be flying to Luke's ship under the pretence of peace negotiations while the ship was in fact loaded with a bomb. Before the bomb could reach Luke's ship, he realized what it was and had it destroyed. Despite this, the blast from the bomb was able to split Luke's ship into three, killing many members of the crew.

Luke during the assault on Mindor

Luke was able to use the Force to land his third of the ship and decided to allow himself to be captured by Shadowspawn's forces. He was taken into an underground complex where he was forced to engage in a duel with Shadowspawn. Part of the way through the duel, Luke realized that the man he was fighting was a fake, Lord Shadow's Pawn. Using the Force, Luke discovered exactly where to hit the man in order to release the control put over him by Cronal (also known as Blackhole). The man informed Luke of his name, Nick, but their exchange was cut short when the rock beneath them literally moved and swallowed them both.

It was Cronal's plan to move his Force essence into Luke, giving him immense power and an important position. He had been planning for this to happen for a long time and had discovered a way of using Force alchemy to manipulate the stone (meltmassif). He gave Luke the illusion that he was at the end of the universe and that any struggle would be useless but Luke was able to extend his presence and free Nick who had been possessed once again. Nick defeated the other possessed individuals but was unable to save them, he then used the stun setting on a blaster to liquefy the meltmassif surrounding Luke.

Together they escaped from the complex and were confronted by a group of black armored stormtroopers. Instead of fighting, however, they hailed Luke as their Emperor - part of Cronal's plan so that he would be the Emperor when he took over Luke's body. Luke ordered the stormtroopers to cease firing on the New Republic forces and help them instead. They moved on to were Luke predicted the Millenium Falcon would land soon but instead of finding Han, Leia and Chewbacca aboard, they found Nick's girlfriend Aeona and a group of Mindorians.

After being rescued by the Falcon, Aeona and the Mindorians had thought that the best way of escaping the planet alive would be to hijack it so they had kicked out the actual crew members in a cave. Luke realized that this gave Cronal the perfect opportunity to take Leia's body instead of Luke's. He commanded the new crew to fly down into the meltmassif using the ship's blasters to liquefy it so the ship could get through. He arrived to find Han with an unconscious Leia as her brain was infected with meltmassif to help Cronal transfer his Force essence. Luke tried to help Leia but realized that she didn't need it.

As the group were about to escape, they were attacked by Cronal who was possessing Nick's brother Kar Vastor, a hulking human with Force sensitivity. After defeating him, Luke used the Force link between Cronal and Vastor to communicate with Cronal who was in hyperspace escaping at the time. Cronal used the meltmassif to send every one of his stormtroopers on a rampage which caught the New Republic forces unaware as the stormtroopers had been acting peacefully under Luke's command. Luke was able to destroy the item allowing Cronal control over the meltmassif but in doing so, killed the thousands of stormtroopers formerly under Cronal's command. Feeling that it was necessary after causing all the deaths, Luke remained connected to every single stormtrooper as they died.

Shortly afterwards, Luke resigned his position as general and hired the investigator Lorz Geptun to find out everything he could about the events on Mindor. However, instead of filing a full and proper report, Geptun accepted a holodrama contract and sold a story based on the events in exchange for more money than Luke was offering. After a lot of persuasion, Luke was made to come around to the idea as it would only bring good publicity to the New Republic and Luke.

Ambush at Corellia

Following Han, Leia, Chewbacca and the children's departure to Corellia for their holiday, Luke visited Lando Calrissian in his new home in the lower levels of Coruscant. The home complex had been a project of Lando's to provide a pleasant place to live for those who could not afford to move to the higher levels. Lando explained to Luke his desire to marry a wealthy heiress so as to use her money for further investment opportunities. Although Luke was initially against the idea, Lando was able to persuade him to accompany Lando on a visit to three possible wives Lando had picked out so that Lando could show off his important position.

The two shortly left for the first woman, a widow named Karia Ver Seryan on the planet Leria Kerlsil. Lando found her to be exactly what he was looking for and was in the process of marrying her when R2-D2 and C-3PO arrived and informed them that Karia was in fact a life-witch (or a life-bearer). Karia had the ability to prevent her husband from feeling any pain or discomfort but at the cost of only five more years of life. Lando and Luke quickly left to seek out the next prospect wife.

This too turned out to be a failure. Condren Foreck lived on the planet Azbrian but had got married shortly before the arrival of Luke and Lando and failed to notify them. After an awkward exchange, Luke and Lando left a planet without a wife for Lando once again.

Lando's next potential wife was a woman named Tendra Risant on the planet Sacorria in the Corellian sector. In order to prevent the trip to be yet another failure, Luke encouraged Lando to pay Tendra a holonet call before they arrived. Lando found that he could easily converse with Tendra and they quickly began talking about a multitude of subjects. When the Lady Luck landed on Sacorria, the conversation quickly continued but was cut short after a meal when Sacorrian police ordered Luke and Lando to leave the planet immediately. Lando and Tendra agreed to communicate with each other via radio on a set date when Lando would be on Sacorria's moon.

Luke and Lando moved on to Corellia where they planned to meet Han, Leia, Chewbacca and the children for the Trade Summit but, upon arrival, found the largest interdiction field in known history forming. Realizing that something was drastically wrong, Luke told Lando to turn the Lady Luck around and head back to Coruscant to get help.